Mr. Jah is obtained BSc Accountancy from Furah Bay College, Sierra Leone in 1991, ACCA in 1997 and MBA from University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mr. Jah worked for Peat Marwick Accountancy firm and Augustus Prom Management and Accountancy firm. Mr. Jah also worked in GAMTEL as Financial Accountant and Internal Audit Manager for about 13years. He later joined GAMWORKS as Finance Manager from 2003 to 2006, when he became Finance and Admin. Director until 31st May 2021, when he finally retired and joined AA & Co.
Mr. Jah has over 30 years experience in the area of Accounting and Auditing. Mr. Jah will oversee all audit services provided and ensure that they are delivered in a timely and effective and efficient manner as stimulated. In his capacity as Audit Director, he will be responsible for planning the audit, reviewing audit working papers prepared by the audit field staff, attending meetings with management and key designated personnel.